Pekiti-Tirsia Kali Seminar hosted by PTTA Belgium (Open to Public)
March 14 – 15, 2018
Fight Off, Wavre, Belguim
Jared Wihongi, Reserve Police Officer & SWAT Team Member in the USA will lead an exceptional Kali seminar in Belgium.
Registration mandatory
Mach 14th OR 15th (19:00 – 22:00)
Early bird (before March 1st) and Fight Off members: 40€
After March 1st: 50€
Both dates (different topics covered)
Early bird (before March 1st) and Fight Off members: 70€
After March 1st: 85€
Registrations are open !
Sits are limited. Registrations will be processed upon payment on Fight Off bank account:
BNP Paribas Fortis – IBAN : BE75 0016 3862 6151 (Communication: Jared seminar + participants name)
For more information or details: